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Sahrawi Ambassador received by opposition leader in Ghanaian parliament

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Accra, March 22, 2012 (SPS) - The Saharawi Ambassador to Ghana, Mahayub Sidina, was received Thursday by the opposition leader in Parliament of Ghana , Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu, according to a press release of SADS embassy to Accra.

The ambassador took the opportunity to inform his host of the latest developments on the the Sahrawi people's struggle for their legitimate rights to self-determination and independence.

He highlighted the peaceful resistance in the occupied territories in spite of the Moroccan repression , the failure of last round of negotiations between the Polisario Front and Morocco as well as the French position in supporting the Moroccan plan.

It is worth noting that the ambassador, Mahayub Sidina, had held in recent days a similar meeting with the majority leader in the Ghanaian Parliament. (SPS)
