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President of Rebuplic attends Funeral of Algeria first president Ben Bella

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Algiers, April 12, 2012 (SPS) - President of republic and Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz took part Friday at the funeral procession of the firs President of Algeria, Ahmed Ben Bela.

The funeral took place at the People’s palace in the capital Algiers.

The President of the Republic signed the condolences book, highlighting “Ben Bella was and will remain one of historical symbols of Algeria; we pay tribute to what he did in favor of the glory of Algeria”.

Speaking to reporters, The President Mohamed Abdelaziz said he came to Algiers to offer the deep condolences of Sahrawi people to the brotherly Algerian people on the “death of one of the symbols of November 1st Revolution.”

The President was accompanied by a delegation consists of State Minister, Bachir Moustafa Said, Minister of Occupied Territories and Communities Abroad, Mohamed Lwali Akaik, in Charge of Treasury, Mohamed Lamin Ahmed, Ambassador to Algeria, Brahim Ghali. (SPS)
