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“We hope that the new government of Madrid would play a pivotal role to find out a just and peaceful solution to the Saharawi issue” says PM

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 Dakhla (refugee camps), May 3, 2012 (SPS) the Member of the National Secretariat of the Polisario Front and Prime Minister ,Abdelqader Taleb Oner, Wednesday  hoped that “ the Spanish Government would play a pivotal role in finding a just and peaceful solution to the Saharawi issue, in accordance with its historic and ethic responsibilities.”

In his opening speech of the 9th international Film Festival in Western Sahara (FISAHARA) taking place in Dakhla from 2to 6 May 2012, the Prime Minister appreciated “the spirit of Solidarity that usually shown by the  Spanish society towards the just cause of the Saharawi People”

He also highlighted new dimension of the festival through its opening to Latin America by participation of delegation from Mexico “which was one of the first countries that recognized the Saharawi issue and defend it on internal forums”  

He pointed out that the festival caring a message of solidarity with the European cooperators who kidnapped last year from Saharawi Refugee camps, renewed “commitment of the Saharawi Government to bring them back to their families and to punish those involved in this operation”

On the other hand, Mr.Taleb Omer, expressed regret to double standards  that followed by some permanent members of the Security Council, as “France which supports some Arabian peoples while standing against mechanism of monitoring and protecting human rights in  the occupied Western Sahara”

He hoped that the new leadership in Paris could take positions in line with human rights and equality     

He recalled the ill-treatment of the Saharawi political prisoners in Moroccan prisons and siege that imposed by Morocco on the Saharawi civilians in the occupied territories.

“We call on again international community and humanitarian organizations to put an end to this disastroussituation” he said.(SPS)
