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FiSahara 2012: documentary “Sons of the Clouds” wins White Camel award

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Dakhla (refugee camps), May 6, 2012 (SPS) - The documentary film on Western Sahara “Sons of the Clouds: Last Colony” starring Oscar-winning actor Javier Bardem and directed by Alvaro Longoria ahs won the White Camel award as best film in the 9th edition of the Sahara International Film Festival, concluded yesterday night in the Wilaya of Dakhla.

White Camel is a symbolic award presented by administration of FiSahara to the winner film. This year White Camel has been provided by the Festival administration for the Saharawi security forces as recognition to efforts they did to ensure of this edition.

“Sons of the Clouds” explores the Western Sahara conflict: its historical roots, the reasons behind the political stalemate and the human rights and humanitarian crises it created.

“Gdeim Izik: Camp of Saharawi Resistance” by Mexican Antonio Velázquez and Spanish Isabel Terrazam, which documented with photos and videos the moments of the Camp dismantling by the Moroccan occupation forces, came second in the rank.

“Wilaya” by director Pedro Pérez Rosales, about young Saharawi woman Fatimetu who returned after the death of her mother to visit her family in the Saharawi refugee camps, came third.

Administration of FiSahara also presented honorary award to clowns by default group, while the Saharawi Ministry of Culture presented a symbolic award to all the foreign participants in FiSahara 2012.

About 24 films have been screened at 9th edition of FiSahara, in addition to short and long films made by Saharawi and foreign directors. (SPS)
