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SADR partakes at 4th exhibition of friendly cultures in Mexico

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Mexico, May 14, 2012 (SPS) - Embassy of the Saharawi Republic (SADR) in Mexico has participated at fourth edition of the Friendly Cultures Exhibition that organized current May 12-27 by Federal Government with the participation of 70 foreign embassies, according to a statement of the Saharawi Embassy in Mexico.

The event marked by divergent cultural presentations by the participating countries. In addition, the Saharawi Ambassador attended along with heads of the diplomatic missions accredited in Mexico.

SADR participates for the second consecutive year I this exhibition through a series of artistic presentations, clothing, Saharawi traditional industry and music.

It should be recalled that the demonstration is a cultural event attract wide-range of audience in Mexico, where more than 2 millions peoples visited the exhibition during the last year, according to the organizers. (SPS)
