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FRETLIN reaffirms firm support to Saharawi cause

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Dili, May 22, 2012 (SPS) - The Secretary General of the Revolutionary Front for an Independent East Timor (FRETLIN), Dr. Mari Alkatiri underlined on Tuesday that " the East Timor support to the just cause of Saharawi people is not promise but a commitment and principle."


During a meeting with Saharawi the delegation taking part at commemoration of 10th anniversary of of East Timor's independence, Dr. Alkatiri asserted that "East Timor support to the struggle of the Saharawi people in order to complete its sovereignty over all its territory, is the position of the state and the Timorese people and all political powers."


For his part, Member of National Secretariat of the Polisario Front-Minister of State, Bachir Mostafa Sayed, highlighted the last developments of the national cause particularly the settlement plan, the cruel conditions experienced by the Saharawi population in Occupied Territories as well as the bilateral relations between the two friendly people in Western Sahara and East Timor. (SPS)
