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Washington supports efforts of Christopher Ross for Western Sahara

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Washington, May 26, 2012 (SPS) - “The United States supports efforts of the UN Personal Envoy for Western Sahara Mr. Christopher Ross, and calls on Morocco to continue working with the UN,” said Friday Mr. Andy Halos, a spokesman of the U.S. State Department.

Concerning U.S. position following the withdrawal of confidence from Ross by Morocco, the spokesman underlined “as we have stated previously, we support the path of the Secretary-General of the United Nations on Western Sahara, as well as the efforts of his Personal Envoy, Christopher Ross.”

“We call on the Moroccan Government to continue working with the UN in the framework of the efforts being made by this organization for Western Sahara,” he added, in statements published by Algerian News Agency (APS).

Mr. Halos went on saying “U.S. supports the efforts made by the United Nations to find a peaceful, lasting and mutually agreed upon solution by the parties to the Western Sahara conflict,” confirming that the U.S. “still has confidence in the path followed by the United Nations with the two parties (the Polisario Front and Morocco) in order to upgrade a mutually acceptable solution.”

“U.S. believes the path that led by the United Nations is the right approach,” the spokesman indicated.

It should be recalled, this position has been expressed by the U.S. Assistant Secretary of State, Mr. William Burns, in a meeting held in Washington with Moroccan Foreign Affairs Minister, Saad Eddin Ottoman.

“The United States continues to support the efforts that aim to find a peaceful, lasting and mutually acceptable solution to the Western Sahara conflict, including the path of the UN negotiations led by the Personal Envoy of the UN Secretary-General for Western Sahara, Ambassador Christopher Ross,” said Mr. Burns, during the meeting with Moroccan Foreign Minister.

From other hand, Secretary General’s spokesperson Mr. Martin Nesirky had emphasized that Mr. Ban Ki-moon “has full confidence in Christopher Ross.” (SPS)
