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Speaker of Tanzania’s Parliament reiterates solidarity with the Saharawi people

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Dar es Salaam, June 7, 2012 (SPS) - The Speaker of the Parliament of the United Republic of Tanzania, The Honorable Anne S. Makinda, , confirmed her support to the struggle of the Saharawi people for self-determination and independence and expressed the wish for a sooner end of the conflict.


She reiterated the solidarity of Tanzania with the Saharawi people today in Dar es Salaam as she received the Saharawi Ambassador Mr. Brahim Salem Buseif.


The Saharawi Envoy paid tribute to Tanzania’s unquestionable contribution to the liberation of Africa - conveyed the gratitude of  the Saharawi people- and informed the Hon. Speaker on the recent development of the peace process and about the heroic resistance of our people in the still occupied zones against Moroccan colonial systematic oppression. (SPS)

