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Spanish cultural figures to attend an act of solidarity with Lafgir Kaziza before Morocco’s embassy in Madrid

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Madrid, June 11, 2012 (SPS) - The Group of solidarity with the young Saharawi Lafgir Kaziza, on hunger strike since 1st of June, called on the media to attend an act of solidarity which will take place tomorrow at 12:30h in front of Morocco’s embassy in Madrid, and realized by various figures from the world of Spanish culture.

The act will be attended by various Spanish actors and actresses such as: Aitana Sánchez Gijón, Fernando Tejero, Malena Alterio, Javier Gutiérrez, Nathalie Poza, Willy Toledo and Luis García Montero, informed the Association “CEAS-Sahara”.

Lafgir Kaziza, 21 years-old young Saharawi, began current June 1st a hunger strike to demand the release of 23 Saharawi political prisoners arrested following the dismantling of Gdeim Izik on November 2010, in addition to guarantee a fair trial for these prisoners in the presence of international observers. (SPS)
