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International conference on Saharawi children rights opens in Saharawi refugee camps

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February 27th School (refugee camps), June 18, 2012 (SPS) - An international conference on the rights of Saharawi children under the title “Saharawi child: between current reality and international charters” opened Monday in the Saharawi refugee camps, marking the International Day of the African Child celebrated on June 16 every year, in the presence of Saharawi, international and Algerian associations.

The conference, which lasts for two days, is organized by the Saharawi Youth Union (UESARIO) in collaboration with the National Advisory Committee for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights. It aims to aware about the reality and concerns of the Saharawi child in the refugee camps and occupied territories.

The conference is attended by representative of the Algerian civil society and parliamentarians, in addition to Saharawi associations of human rights and the national institutions related to the rights of Saharawi children such as health, education, Woman Union and ministry of social affairs, as well as representative of the UNESCO and Italian Council of Refugees.

The conference will be marked by the organization of two workshops on the themes: “the best interest of child” and “health care for maternity and child”.

Moreover, a number of lectures to be presented by Algerians and Saharawis specialist, as well an exhibition about human rights violations, activities for the children and training courses on paramedical will be organized, in addition to the screening of the documentary “Algerian battle”. (SPS)
