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Algerian, Sahrawi associations sign two cooperation agreements

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February 27th School (Refugee Camps), June 20, 2012 (SPS Two cooperation agreements have been signed Tuesday February 27th School by Algerian and Sahrawi associations with a view to strengthening cooperation between the two countries in the protection and promotion of human rights and also in the fight against antipersonnel mines.


The first agreement was signed by Mohamed Benazizi, representative of Algeria's National Consultative Commission for Human Rights Promotion and Protection and Aba Salek El-Hossini, the Secretary General of the Union of Sahrawi Jurists


It aims mainly at strengthening cooperation between the two countries, through coordination in promoting a culture of human rights.


While the second agreement aims at strengthening cooperation between the Sahrawi Association of Mine Victims and its Algerian counterpart in the protection of mine victims, increasing awareness of the danger of mines and the creation of mechanisms to facilitate cooperation between the two parties.


The document was inked by Mohamed Djouadi, president of the Algerian Association for Mine Victims and Aziz Haider, president of the Sahrawi Association of Mine Victims.


In a statement on this occasion, Benazizi underlined that the agreement provides for the exchange of views and experiences between the two sides, through conference and training sessions, in addition to consultation about fields relating to human rights.


For his part, Aba Salek welcomed the initiative, which will further strengthen relation between Algeria and the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) in the field of human rights, "especially as the Sahrawi people is an oppressed people seeking to impose their right to self-determination," he said.(SPS)
