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Austrian parliamentary committee urges foreign Minister to push Morocco to respect human rights in Western Sahara

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Vienna, June21, 2012(SPS) the foreign affairs committee in the Austrian parliament, Tuesday, adopted recommendation presented by representatives of the Democratic Socialist Party, the People’s party and the Greens party, urged the Foreign Minister to work on the European level to push Moroccan government to respect human rights in the occupied territories of Western Sahara and to open the territory before international organizations and media.

The recommendation asked the Minister for a continuing work on the UN and EU levels for “extending the mandate of the MINURSO to include monitor and protect of  human rights”  demanding the parties of the conflict, Polisario and Morocco to resume negotiations to reach a solution that enable  the Saharawi people to exercise their   right to self-determination.

The Austrian Parties presented this recommendation to adoption because of the serious continuing violations of human rights in the occupied territories and due to the Moroccan attempts to obstruct efforts of the United Nations to resolve the conflict, reminding in this context the Moroccan decision of  withdrawing  confidence  from the UN secretary General’s Personal envoy to western Sahara Christopher Ross because Morocco sees that  his   last report to the Security Council is “unbalanced “ and partial.

The recommendation noted that the report on Western Sahara that presented this year by the Secretary General of the United Nations to the Security Council enhanced what have been recorded by international organizations such as Human Rights Watch and AI about violations of human rights committed by Morocco in the occupied territories of Western Sahara.(SPS)
