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President of Republic: Paris holds the key of Saharawi question

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Boumerdes(Algeria) July19,2012(SPS) – President of the Republic ,Secretary general if the Polisario Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz said Tuesday in Boumerdes (Algeria) that “Paris holds the key of Saharawi question,” especially since France is a world power and has the right of veto in the United Nations Security Council.”

During a press conference on the sidelines of the closing of the 3rd edition of the Summer School of Saharawi Republic’s Executives, President Abdelaziz called the new French government to “take positive steps toward the Saharawi question” by exerting “pressure on Morocco government to recognize the right of Saharawi people to self-determination.”

He said that the Western Sahara’s conflict has lasted too long, adding that “the one who hinders the peaceful efforts for its settlement is known.”

President also expressed optimism about the new French government, wishing to see this last “take necessary steps as part of efforts to resolve this issue in accordance with international rules and laws.”(SPS)
