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Polisario Front hopes that the designation of the new special envoy will contribute in rapid implementation of UN recommendations

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Shahid Alhafed, August17, 2012(SPS) the National Secretariat of the Polisario Front welcomed the appointment of Wolfgang Weisbrod-Weber, as  special envoy of the  Secretary General of the UN for western Sahara , hopping that this appointment “ contributes in accelerating the full implementation of recommendations of  report of UN Secretary General(April2012) and resolution 2044 of the Security Council”  according to press release concluded its third  ordinary session held from  Wednesday to  Thursday under chairperson of Secretary General of the Polisario, President of the Republic Mohamed Abdelaziz.

The National Secretariat also expressed that this designation will help to “end the siege that imposed on the Saharawi occupied territories and to enable the MINURSO to assume its responsibilities as international mission in charge for the organization of referendum on self-determination of the Saharawi people and has a full freedom in monitoring and protecting human rights”

  The national Secretariat of the Polisario Front demanded for “ending the flagrant violation of human rights committed by Moroccan state against Saharawi civilian defenseless and for the release of Yahya Mohamed Iazza, and all  Saharawi political prisoners including those who arrested after the attack against Gdain Izik camp and occupied cities of Dakhla and Laayoune, in addition to explain whereabouts of more than651 missing Saharawi to Moroccan state and dismantling  the Moroccan wall of shame which divides land and people of Western Sahara for more than 30 years”

 It also asked for putting  an end to the “illegal exploitation and looting of natural resources of Western Sahara and to not sign any agreements with Moroccan kingdom that not exclude  territorial  waters of Western Sahara”

 The National Secretariat “reminded Spanish state about its ethical, political and historical responsibilities towards Western Sahara,” paying thankful and appreciation to “Spanish aid workers delegation that visited Saharawi camps at the beginning of this month in a Nobel solidarity initiative with the Saharawi people”  

 The national Secretariat renewed “condemnation of the   Polisario Front to all forms of violence and organized crime” confirming the “readiness of Saharawi authorities to responsible and serious response with all good initiatives that aim at eradicating phenomenon of destructive terrorism”

The National Secretariat finally expressed hope that” France opens new era concerning western Sahara cause based on support right and international legitimacy instead of support policy of expansion and occupation.”(SPS)
