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Kerry Kennedy to lead human rights delegation to Saharawi occupied territories and refugee camps

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Washington, Aug 21, 2012 (SPS)- the  President of the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights (RFK Center), Kerry Kennedy  will lead a human rights delegation with distinguished international human rights advocates to Western Sahara occupied territories and refugee camps from August 24 to 31, said statement of RFK center


 The objective of the visit is to assess the human rights situation on the ground, added the statement


"Our delegation will seek to assess the human rights situation on the ground by speaking to human rights defenders, government authorities, and ordinary families split apart by this conflict," said Kerry Kennedy.  "We hope to raise attention to this issue and support the establishment of a human rights mandate for the UN Mission."


Members of the delegation include: Mary Lawlor, Director, Front Line Defenders; Margarette May Macaulay, Judge of the Inter American Court of Human Rights; Eric Sottas, former Secretary-General, World Organization Against Torture; Maria del Río, Board of Trustees of the Jose Saramago Foundation; and Marialina Marcucci, President of the RFK Center  – Europe. RFK Partners for Human Rights Director Santiago A. Canton, Advocacy Director Marselha Gonçalves Margerin, and Advocacy Associate Stephanie Postar will accompany the delegation. The RFK Center will prepare a report, including observations from delegation members, after the trip concludes, according to the same source. (SPS)
