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Algeria praises NAM’s continued support to struggle of Saharawi people for self-determination

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Tehran, Sept 2, 2012 (SPS) - President of the Algerian Council of the Nation, Abdelkader Bensalah, praised the constant support of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) to the struggle of the Saharawi people and their right to self-determination, addressing NAM’s 16th Summit on Friday.

Mr. Bensalah expressed Algeria’s support to the efforts being made by the UN Secretary General Mr. Ban Ki-moon and his Personal Envoy Christopher Ross for a “just and durable” solution to the conflict of Western Sahara.

The Non-Aligned Movement reiterated Wednesday in Tehran its firm position in supporting the struggle of the Saharawi people for freedom and self-determination.

In the final document submitted by the Foreign Ministers of the Movement to the Summit at end of a meeting held Wednesday in Tehran, NAM devoted several important paragraphs to the just cause of the Saharawi people, confirming its previous positions and support to resolutions of the United Nations regarding the Western Sahara conflict.

A Saharawi delegation led by the Minister for Latin America, Mr. Mohamed Yeslem Beisat, is taking part at the summit. (SPS)
