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SI reaffirms support to Saharawi people’s right to self-determination

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Cape Town, Sept 3, 2012 (SPS) - The 24th Congress of the Socialist International, which took place from Aug 30 to Sept 1 in Cape Town (South Africa) under the motto “for a new internationalism and a new culture of solidarity”, has reaffirmed its support to right of the Saharawi people to self-determination.

In a motion approved by participants of the Congress, the Socialist International demanded the immediate application of resolutions of the United Nations and African Union as to resume the direct negotiations between the Polisario Front and Morocco under the UN aegis, reiterating support to the UN efforts for reaching a just and lasting solution to the plight of Western Sahara, as an issue of decolonization.

The motion expressed SI’s concern over the state of human rights in occupied Western Sahara, calling for putting an end to the violations of human rights and opening the Territory before the independent observer, NGOs and international press.

The Congress decided to dispatch, as soon as possible, a fact-finding mission to Western Sahara.

Over four hundred participants from more than one hundred political parties and organizations are attending the event.

The Congress was opened by the South African President Mr. Jacob Zuma.

A Saharawi delegation led by the Minister of State Mr. Bashir Mustapha Sayad and composed of the Minister for Europe, Mr. Mohamed Sidati, Minister for Africa, Mr. Brahim Mokhtar, Ambassador to South Africa, Mr. Salha Al-Abd, the POLISARIO Representative to Italy, Ms. Ammia Omar, and International Secretary of Saharawi Youth Union, Mahfud Salama attended the Congress of the Socialist International. (SPS)
