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Presidency of Republic announces list of ambassadors abroad

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Chahid Al Hafed (refugee camps), Sept 23, 2012 (SPS) - The President of Republic and Secretary General of the Frente POLISARIO, Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz, has appointed 18 ambassadors of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic abroad and several advisers to the Foreign Affairs Minister, announced Sunday a communiqué of the Presidency of the Republic.

President Mohamed Abdelaziz appointed to the post of ambassador abroad the following gentlemen;

- Brahim Ghali

-Laman Abali

-Habib Boujrais

-Brahim Salem Bouseif

-Abeid Lushaa

-Abbi Bachraya

-Mahjub Sidina

-Salha Al-Abd

-Wadadi Cheikh Ahmed Al-Haiba

-Deich Mohamed Saleh

-Mohamed Salem Daha

-Ali Mahmud

-Malainin Tgana

-Chaibani Abbas

-Salama Hanan

-Ahmed Moulay Ali

-Breika Lehbib

-Mohamed Slama Badi

The President also appointed to the post of ambassador adviser to the Foreign Minster the following gentlemen;

-Sadafa Bahia

-Hamudi Ahmed Baba

-Dr. Sidi Mohamed Omar

-Bachari Saleh

-Hamad Ahmed Yahia

The Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) has a number of embassies, diplomatic missions and representations around the world. (SPS)
