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Uruguay at UN: any solution to Western Sahara question should respect will and rights of Saharawi people

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New York, Sept 29, 2012 (SPS) - The Minister for Foreign Affairs of Uruguay Mr. Luis Almagro said Saturday that any solution to the Western Sahara issue should be based on the international law and resolutions of the UN General Assembly and Security Council, as well as respecting human rights and will of the Saharawi people, in a speech at 67th session of UN General Assembly.

“Uruguay has always defended the right of self-determination for all peoples as a key principle for the international coexistence among States,” stated Mr. Almagro.

“In this sense, it reiterates its longing that a peaceful, just, lasting and mutually accepted solution for the Question of Western Sahara could be achieved, based on the International Law, the General Assembly and Security Council Resolutions, respecting human rights and the will of the saharaui people,” underlined head of the Uruguayan diplomacy. (SPS)
