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“Western Sahara: last colony in Africa”, theme of seminar in Tokyo

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Tokyo, Dec 22, 2012 (SPS) - A seminar on the theme “the last colony in Africa, Western Sahara” was organized Thursday in Meijigakuin University in the Japanese capital Tokyo, in the presence of Japanese professors, journalists, scholars, artists, students and sympathizers with the Saharawi cause, in addition to the Algerian ambassador to Japan.

According to the organizers, the seminar was jointly sponsored by the International Peace Research Institute, Sahara-Japan Journalists Association (SJJA) and Western Sahara Japan Preparative Office (WSJPO).

The documentaries “Territorio Liberado” by Yago and “Western Sahara” by Itsuko were screened during the seminar.

Speaking during the seminar, the Ex-Japanese Prime Minister Mr. Yukio Hatoyama, thanked the Saharawi President for receiving his message at the 7th UGTSARIO Congress.

“Nobody could accept the Last Colony in Africa,” said Mr. Hatoyama, noting that he
The would do his best to make peaceful solution for the Western Sahara people.

From his part, Algerian Ambassador to Tokyo Mr. Sid Ali KETRANDJI reiterated his country’s unshakable support to the Saharawi cause, as well as to the efforts of the UN Envoy Christopher Ross for a solution to Western Sahara conflict.

The Algerian diplomat pointed out that Western Sahara is “part of Maghreb Union”, adding that its illegal occupation by Morocco is a destabilizing factor and a real obstacle to the progress of the Maghreb Union.

He, therefore, called on the international community, through the UN, to impose a solution in Western Sahara based on the principles of international law. (SPS)
