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President of the Saharawi National Council calls on all Sahrawis to stand by the Sahrawi political prisoners

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Shahid Alhafed (refugee camps) January 172013 (SPS) – the Speaker of the Saharawi National Council (Parliament)  Mr. Khatri  Adduh ,called  on Thursday all Saharawi citizens to  support and  stand with  the Saharawi political prisoners, especially the  group of  Gdim Izik , whom their trial has been postponed to next February.

In a conference held at the Ministry of Culture Khatri Adduh, called on the Sahrawi citizens for a general mobilization to support the 24 Saharawi political detainees, denouncing at the same time to bring them in next February before an unfair military trial.

The Speaker stressed on that Morocco in a position "very critical" due to human rights reports in the last year, which strongly condemned    the gross violations of human rights perpetrated by the Moroccan authorities against the Saharawis in the occupied territories of Western Sahara.

 He also emphasized on the need to escalate the national struggle in all aspects mentioning to the diplomatic victories of the Saharawi issue at the international level in recent times. (SPS)
