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Australian Senator calls on his Government to use its voice at the United Nations for solving Western Sahara conflict

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Canberra (Australia) March21, 2013(SPS) the Australian Senator from the Democratic Labor Party John Madigan, called on the Australian Government to use its voice at the United Nations to solve to Western Sahara conflict, during his intervention at the Senate Speech on Wednesday in Canberra.

“Western Sahara remains a trouble spot, with the Sahrawi people deprived of their right to self-determination through occupation by Morocco,” he said adding that “Australia must use its voice at the United Nations to work towards a resolution,”

The Australian Senator pointed out that the Saharawis are “subjected to serious violations of the right to life, liberty and freedom of expression, and face the constant threat of torture and imprisonment,”

“Their life is dominated by the presence of the Moroccan security forces.” said Senator John Madigan.

“Perhaps it is time for Australia to follow the lead of other nations, and indeed companies such as Wesfarmers, in implementing sanctions to help turn this situation around.” he added.(SPS)
