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Polisario Front praises US MINURSO initiative despite withdrawal from draft resolution

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New York (United Nations),April25,2013(SPS) - Front Polisario praised the US initiative aiming at including a human rights monitoring component within the UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO), despite the withdrawal of this measure of the project of the draft resolution which will be submitted on Thursday to the UN Security Council.

In his reaction to this new development, Polisario Front Representative to the UN Ahmed Boukhari, told APS Wednesday that the United States’ initiative had “a large support to the fight for occupied Western Sahara’s freedom.”

The merit of this initiative “is in the fact that the United States takes, especially, into account the issue of human rights of Sahrawi people, while stressing that there should not be double standards to this issue,” Boukhari said.

“The US initiative will remain in the radar today and tomorrow and will not disappear in the framework of the Security Council’s monitoring of the situation of human rights in Western Sahara which are trampled in a systematic and cruel manner by Morocco,” he argued.(SPS)
