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The Moroccan executionary tries to be shown as a victim

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El Aaiun (occupied territories of Western Sahara) May 10, 2013 (SPS) -. Moroccan government is trying desperately to jusitify blind and savage repression practiced against peaceful protesters by presenting the moroccan police as victims of allegedly violence committed by Sahrawi protesters.

Defying the UN warnings, Moroccan occupation authorities organized Thursday a vast research campaign of the saharawi militants accused of having taken part in the demonstrations which the cities of western sahar were the scenario of the last weeks to protest against the non inclusion of human rights monitoring in the mandate of the MINURSO.
Ransacked family homes, many people physically and verbally mugged were the reprisal measures followed by Moroccan police to punish Sahrawis who dared to publicly claim the right to self-determination.
Thus, Moroccan public prosecutor announced the arrest of several Sahrawi while more arrests are expected in the coming days.
As a reminder, Saharawi government denounced on Tuesday the "desperate attempts of Rabat to reverse the roles of the victim and the executioner presenting the repression forces as victims of peaceful demonstrators whose weapons are flags and slogans demanding the right to self-determination.