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Ministry of Culture affords gun of martyr Elwali to the National Museum of Resistance

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Boujdour, May 29, 2013 (SPS) - The Minister of Culture, a member of the National Secretariat of the POLISARIO front, Khadija Hamdi, submitted on Monday in Boujdour, the personal gun of the founding father of the Sahrawi Revolution on May 20, 1973, Martyr ElWali Mustapha Sayed, to the director of the National Museum of resistance, Mr. Mohamed Olidha, in a ceremony held on the occasion of the launch of the center of museum interpretation of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic


Minister of Culture said, while she was submitting the gun, "This gun carry a lot of symbolic connotations for the Sahrawis", adding that “its real place is the National Museum of resistance of the Saharawi People's Liberation Army”.

On his part, the director of the museum thanked the Minister of Culture on the initiative, saying that “it will extremely increase the martyr wing in the museum with splendor and meaning». Meanwhile, he called on everyone to follow this initiative.

It should be recalled the ceremony of submission of the gun was in presence of Mr. Khatri Adouh ,a member of the National Secretariat of the POLISARIO front and the Speaker of the Parliament, and a number of members of the Secretariat and the government and parliament, civilian and military officials as well as delegations from Algeria, MINURSO and national and foreign media.(SPS)