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SADR seeks natural resources investment, says Mr. Khaddad

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Boumerdes (Algeria), Aug 24, 2013 (SPS) - Member of POLISARIO National Secretariat and Saharawi Coordinator with the MINURSO Mr. Mhamed Khaddad revealed that the Frente Polisario “is seeking investment of natural resources in the liberated territories of Western Sahara,” highlighting that considerable amounts of iron and precious metals have been discovered in the southern territories of Western Sahara.

In his lectures at the 4th Summer University of Saharawi Cadres underway in the Algerian Wilaya of Boumerdes, Mr. Khaddad underlined that a contract has been agreed with Australian company to explore for iron, gold and uranium in all the territories.

Once the Saharawi National Council (Council) approves the Mining Legislation, said the Saharawi official, exploration and exploitation of natural resources will be put into action in collaboration with friendly companies.

He also pointed out to the steps taken by the Polisario Front to face the Moroccan occupation depletion of Saharawi natural resources.

He, on other hand, noted that the protests and hunger strikes carried out by the Saharawi people in the occupied territories “have empowered positions of the Polisario Front.” (SPS)
