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Belgian Committee of Support to Saharawi People condemns EU-Morocco fishing pact

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Brussels, Sept 7, 2013 (SPS) - The Committee of Support to the Saharawi People in Belgium has condemned the EU-Morocco fishing agreement, signed at the end of last July, which includes Western Sahara’s territorial waters, describing it as “a blatant breach” to international law and legitimacy, according to a statement of POLISARIO Office in Brussels.

In a periodic meeting held on Thursday, the President of the European Committee of Solidarity with the Saharawi People and former member of the Belgium Nation’s Council Mr. Pierre Galland described as “a play contrary to UN conventions” EU Commission’s decision to submit this agreement to a vote before the European Parliament in the next few months.

Mr. Galland, who took part at the Saharawi Cadres’ Summer University, held last month in Boumerdes (Algeria), expressed admiration for the level of determination and resolve the young Saharawis have demonstrated, both in the refugee camps or occupied territories, to continue their legitimate fight freedom and independence.

From his part, POLISARIO Representative in Brussels Mr. Mohamed Ali Zarouali informed the audience about the latest developments on Saharawi question, including the continued deterioration of human rights situation in the occupied Western Sahara, as well as the harsh humanitarian condition in the Saharawi refugee camps. (SPS)
