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PM oversees meeting of youth file’s coordination and follow-up mechanism

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Chahid Al Hafed (refugee camps), Sept 8, 2013 (SPS) - Prime Minister Mr. Abdelkader Taleb Omar oversaw Saturday a meeting of the coordination and follow-up mechanism for the youth file, as part of the government’s periodic assessment and follow-up to this file.

The meeting examined the practical aspects of Youth Employment Programme through micro credits, whose first part will be delivered to young graduates of professional training centers and institutes.

It also addressed the stations programmed in the next triple of the year, as well as the perceptions and ideas ensuring its success, especially the annual conference on youth policy, to be allocated to deepening thinking and study in the practical ways to expand job opportunities.

The meeting insisted to ensure the presence and support of international organizations working in the human and economic development, as well as to explore ways to encourage local public and private initiatives aiming to expand and diversify employment opportunities for young people.

This mechanism comes in the context of the application of the decisions of the National Conference on Youth Policy, which was held on June 2011 in the Wilaya of Dakhla, Saharawi refugee camps. (SPS)
