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UNHCR organizes seminar on camel’s status in Saharawi culture

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Portugal, Oct 30, 2013 (SPS) - The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) organized Monday evening the 4th seminar on the status of camel in Saharawi culture, according to a press release issued by the office of the Saharawi Coordinator with the MINURSO Mr. Mhamed Khadda.

This seminar is part of the Confidence-Building Measures programme, initiated by the UNHCR in collaboration with the two parties to the conflict of Western Sahara, Polisario Front and Moroccan Kingdom, in pursuant to the provisions of the agreement signed between them in 2004 and in line with what was agreed upon in the last round of negotiations in Manhasset.

The seminar was attended by 44 Saharawi participants from the refugee camps and occupied Western Sahara.

It was opened by Director of the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.

Saharawi delegation is accompanied Mr. Lahreitani Lehsen, as a coordinator with Party with UN High Commissioner for Refugees about the preparations and conduct of Forum

“Polisario Front affirms once again on its fruitful and constructive cooperation with the UNHCR to provide all means available for the success of this important gathering, and the other activities included in the 2004 agreement and those proposed on February 2011 meeting, including the exchange of family visits between Saharawi families in the refugee camps and occupied Western Sahara by road, as to open halls for contact and communication by internet,” indicated the press release.

It should be recalled that the first edition of this seminar was convened on September 2011 about “the Hassanya culture”, second held on June 2012 about “the role of Saharawi woman within society”, and the third one organized on “Saharawi Khaima (tent)” last January. (SPS)
