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UN urged to intervene to end Moroccan oppression against Sahrawis in occupied territories

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BIR LEHLOU (Liberated territories), December 13, 2013 (SPS)  - Sahrawi President Mohamed Abdelaziz has denounced the "continuous" abuses against Sahrawi people, urging the United Nations to assume its responsibilities and end the oppression of Moroccan occupation forces.


In a letter sent Wednesday to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, Abdelaziz reiterated his call to take urgent measures for the decolonization of Western Sahara and ensure the safety of Sahrawi citizens against the oppression of the Moroccan occupation forces.


In this regard, he insisted on the need to enable the UN Mission for Referendum of Western Sahara (MINURSO) to monitor, protect and report on human rights in the Sahrawi occupied territories.


The Secretary General of Polisario Front also called on the international community to "impose sanctions and necessary pressures on Morocco to make it abide by the international laws, release all Sahrawi political prisoners, including the Gdeim Izik group, stop looting the natural resources of Western Sahara and demolish the wall of shame, which constitutes a crime against humanity."


The Sahrawi President also recalled Moroccan occupation forces' violent suppression of peaceful demonstrations staged recently by Sahrawi civilians in the occupied city of Al Ayun on the occasion of the celebration of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and to denounce Morocco-European Union fisheries agreement, which includes Sahrawi waters. (SPS)

