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EU must be part of solution not conflict in Western Sahara, says Polisario Front

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BRUSSELS, December 13, 2013 (SPS) - The Polisario Front called on Thursday in Brussels (Belgium) the European Union (EU) to "be part of a solution and not the conflict in Western Sahara," adding that "the adoption of the fisheries agreement with Morocco including Saharawi waters encourages Morocco in its policy of occupation and intransigence."


In a statement released after the adoption by the European Parliament of its annual report on the situation of human rights in the world, the Polisario Front’s representative in Brussels, Mohamed Ezzerouali recalled to the EU "its responsibilities for the suffering of the Saharawi people.


The Saharawi official urged "the EU to take into account the serious security situation and tensions witnessed in the region for decades because of the Moroccan expansionist policy in Western Sahara."


This process cannot be achieved without ending the policy that "encourages" the occupation "to plunder the natural resources of the Saharawi people and without any active participation in finding a just solution to the conflict, based on respect of the Saharawi people’s inalienable right to self-determination," he stressed. (SPS)

