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Mozambique renews support to Saharawis’ struggle for freedom and independence

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Maputo, Dec 18, 2013 (SPS ) - The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Mozambique Mr. Oldemiro Balói has reiterated his country’s support to the struggle of the Saharawi people for freedom and independence, during a meeting with the Saharawi Ambassador Mr. Wadadi Chej Ahmed, informed SADR embassy in Maputo.

Head of Mozambican diplomacy said that his country follows on a daily basis the struggle of the Saharawi people, adding that Mozambique support this struggle within the UN and AU.

Saharawi ambassador, for his part, informed Mozambican minister on the latest developments concerning the question of Western Sahara, recalling to high-level relations already exist between the Saharawi Republic (SADR) and Mozambique.

Other Mozambican officials, who were present at this meeting, including Samora Machel and Nyerere reaffirmed their strong position towards the decolonization of Africa’s last country.

They also added that the Saharawi people have demonstrated a strong and continued commitment to fight honorably and effectively. (SPS)
