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Polisario Front initiates action to end plunder of Sahrawi natural resources (Official)

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Shaheed El Hafed, January 10, 2014 (SPS) - Mr. M'Hamed Khadad, member of the National Secretariat of Polisario Front, Coordinator with MINURSO, confirmed Polisario Front has proceeded to work on the ground to put an end to the looting of natural resources of Sahrawi people through courts and legal action , in an interview Thursday in the program "News Guest" on national TV.


Concerning the fishing agreement between the European Union and Morocco including Sahrawi territorial waters, Mr. Khadad indicated "Polisario Front will intensify political action in the European arena and contact the European Commission, Parliament, states and national parliaments," adding  "itwill resort to legal actions as any decision by the European Court of Justice is irreversible and binding for all, because the European Parliament voted against the agreement in 2011".


In this regard, Mr. Khadad recalled that after the approval by the European Parliament of the agricultural trade agreement with Morocco in February 2012 , Polisario Front filed a lawsuit to the European Court which appeared in the Official Journal of the European Union in February 2013.


The Sahrawi official revealed that Polisario front is preparing to file an appeal against the fishing agreement since it has been published in the Official Journal of the European Union and that Polisario front will file this appeal in two months time. (SPS)