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On Women’s Day: Adala UK urges Moroccan state to respect Saharawi women’s rights

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London, March 13, 2014 (SPS) - The British ONG Adala UK has called on the Moroccan state to comply with its international obligations with respect to human rights, in particular women’s rights, in Western Sahara.

“The Saharawi woman celebrates this day under the constant threat of attacks on her physical integrity, insults, sexual assault, kidnap, ridicule, beatings and other forms of humiliation, committed against her by the Moroccan state, as a result of her participation in peaceable demonstrations to demand respect for human rights in Western Sahara,” said a statement issued by Adala UK on the occasion of International Women’s Day, celebrated annually on March 8th.

Adala UK seized this opportunity to congratulate Saharawi women who are fighting peaceably for their rights, despite the constant aggression they face at the hands of Moroccan occupation state.

The ONG underlined that Moroccan authorities’ violent interventions against Saharawi women have always resulted in many of them being seriously injured, hospitalized, with some having to undergo surgery. (SPS)
