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Sahrawi Committee of human Rights is devoted to respect of human rights (President Mohamed Abdelaziz)

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Boujdour (Refugee Camps), March 23, 2014 (SPS) - President of the Republic Secretary-General of the Polisario Front Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz emphasised that the Sahrawi Committee of Human Rights is devoted to the respect by the Polisario Front the Sahrawi government of human rights and defending them  not only in the refugee camps and liberated territories but also in the occupied territories and southern Morocco. 


During the inauguration of the National Committee of Human Rights on Sunday in the Wilaya of Boujdour, refugee camps, President Mohamed Abdelaziz highlighted that the move is in line with the international conventions and treaties signed by the Sahrawi state, particularly at the level of the African Union.


Bellow is the Address of Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz, President of the Republic, Secretary General of the POLISARIO Front, during the inauguration of the Saharawi National Human Rights Committee, Boujdour, March 23, 2014


‘In the Name of God the Merciful the Compassionate


Ladies and Gentlemen,


We are overwhelmed with happiness and satisfaction, as we oversee today the foundation of the Saharawi National Human Rights Committee, on the basis of several considerations.


The establishment of the committee is consistent with the requirements of the Constitution of the Saharawi Republic and the Statute of the Polisario Front and the application of the decisions of the National Secretariat. While it falls in the context of the implementation of the decisions of the Front’s thirteenth Congress, it actually comes as an embodiment of its firm conviction, as it made of ensuring and protecting human rights of the Saharawis, primarily the right to freedom, self -determination and independence, the first objective of its existence.


This trend certainly stems from the virtues historically inherent in the Saharawi society, and is based on the ideological and ethical system that made of it a society that reveres rights and respects for the human being and his dignity .


The Saharawi state, whose sovereignty over the whole of its national territory and the building of its foundations on justice and law the Saharawi people is struggling for, is adorned today with a new born baby which is a new accomplishment on the way of consolidating the national institutions necessary for a modern state.


The Saharawi National Human Rights Committee, then, is a natural and logical result of a national effort sustained over many years, reflecting the orientations of the Government of the Sahrawi Republic, and its commitments to the treaties and agreements in the framework of the African Union and in the international context in general .


The protection of human rights is a permanent priority to the Saharawi state, especially that the Saharawi people is suffering from an illegal Moroccan military occupation, that keeps committing gross violations of human rights, documented in the testimonies and reports of human rights groups, countries and competent organizations. As stated in the report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in 2006, all violations in occupied Western Sahara result from the violation of a fundamental and primary right, the right to self-determination .


The policies and programs of the Saharawi government, within its capabilities, has sought and is still seeking to maintain the dignity of the Sahrawi citizens and ensure their basic rights, such as the rights on health, education, welfare, etc. It has also paid due attention to women and children, and it has even made a considerable leap forward in this field, providing care for sensitive groups, such as people with special needs and victims of war and mines, setting up rehabilitation and training centers for them, despite the harsh conditions of asylum .


Thus, the establishment of the Sahrawi National human rights Committee does not come from a vacuum and is not a coincidence, but is the result of a process of intensive work, which has gone through preparatory phases that saw an in-depth, thorough and extensive debate, inclusive of all components of the Saharawi people, taking advantage of the experience of competent international organizations in the field.


On this occasion, we would like to thank the commission, which was entrusted with the task of considering the creation of this national mechanism, the commission whose efforts culminated in a rich report and an integrated perception, from which emerges the Saharawi National Human Rights Committee, whose birthday we announce today.


We recognize their hard work, distinguished with a keenness to provide for objectivity and credibility, particularly in terms of the inclusiveness of the representation of executive and legislative bodies, civil society organizations, vocational unions and individuals active in the field of humjan rights .


As we wish all the success for the Saharawi National human rights Committee in the noble tasks that lie ahead, we reaffirm the Frente Polisario’s and SADR government’s known attitude of serious and constructive collaboration, in all that relates to the field of its competence, and its willingness to work together in order to promote the respect for the law and human rights.


Thank you and peace be upon you.’ (SPS)