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President of Republic recieves Cuban new ambassador

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Shaheed Hafed, March 23, 2014 March (SPS) - The President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz, recieved Sunday evening the Cuban ambassador, Mr. Raul Barzaga, who presented his credentials as the new ambassador of the Socialist Republic of Cuba to the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic.


 following the meeting, Cuban ambassador reiterated his country's "unwavering and unconditional" support in favour  of the Saharawi people and their just cause for freedom and establishment of an independent Sahrawi state, in line with international resolutions.


The Ambassador said in a statement to SPS that the objective for the two peoples and the countries of Cuba and the Western Sahara is "to deepen" relations of friendship and brotherhood, adding that the meeting dealt with bilateral relations and prospects of work  between the two countries.


 He expressed pleasure for being the ambassador of country to the Sahrawi Republic for the second time.


 He indicated that he held talks with Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Mohammed Salem Ould Salek, and will further have meetings with some Polisario Front officials and Sahrawi government ministers, including the Prime Minister, Mr. Abdelkader Taleb Omar.  


 The meeting was attended by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Mohamed Salem Ould Salek and Adviser to the President, Mr. Abdati breika.


The Cuban ambassador was presented with a welcoming ceremony at the presidential headquarters, where a battalion of the Sahrawi People's Liberation Army performed honorary salute. (SPS)