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POLISARIO deeply concerned over Morocco’s ongoing human rights violations in Western Sahara

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Washington, April 7, 2014 (SPS) - Ahead of the Security Council’s forthcoming deliberations on April 17th, the Frente POLISARIO has expressed deep concern over Morocco’s ongoing and systematic violation of the human rights of the Saharawi people, reiterating call on the Security Council to assume responsibility regarding the decolonisation of Western Sahara.

In a letter addressed Monday to H.E. Mrs. U. Joy. OGWU, President of the Security Council of the UN, Polisario Front Representative to the UN Mr. Boukhari Ahme said that Morocco’s ongoing and systematic violation of the human rights of the Saharawi people, widely documented and confirmed by international NGO’s, UN Special Rapporteurs, and governments, remains a matter of deep concern to the Frente POLISARIO.

Despite the latest U.S. State Department Report on the human rights situation which noted that systematic human rights abuses continue to take place in Western Sahara, underlined the letter, Moroccan security forces also continue violently to suppress public demonstrations held by Saharawis who are peacefully demanding their right to self-determination, latest of which a demonstration took place on 26 March 2014 in the occupied city of El Aaiún.

The Saharawis diplomat said that only the establishment of a monitoring mechanism within MINURSO would comply with the criteria laid out by the Secretary-General in his 2013 report, and align this peacekeeping operation with UN best practices.
The letter, on other hand, renewed the Frente POLISARIO’s continued willingness to cooperate fully with the Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General, Ambassador Christopher Ross.

«Without the Council’s assumption of responsibility regarding the decolonisation of the Territory, there is a real risk that Morocco will in fact continue to stall the negotiating process in a bid to consolidate its illegal occupation of Western Sahara, » stated the letter, highlighting that the Security Council’s role is to maintain international peace and security by ensuring that the decolonisation process is completed.

The letter also emphasized that the continued illegal exploitation of Western Sahara’s natural resources will further entrench Morocco’s occupation and continue financing its efforts to alter the Territory’s demographics.

« The illegal exploitation of our people’s natural resources therefore hinders the political process. As a consequence, we request that the Council issue clear guidelines to third States and foreign companies in order to prevent them from illegally exploring or exploiting Western Sahara’s natural resources, » said Mr.Ahmed Boukahri. (SPS)
