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Nigerian labour movement renewed its support of Saharawi people struggle

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Abuja (Nigeria), May 2, 2014 (SPS) – President of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) Comrade Abdulwahid Omar expressed "the support the Nigerian labour movement of the struggle of the Saharawi people for freedom and national independence." 
Mr. Abdulwahid Omar was speaking on the occasion of Workers’ Day  during a ceremony organized in the capital Abuja, attended by Nigerian President Jonathan Goodluck, many members of the Nigerian federal government and the president of Senate and House of Representatives, in addition to thousands of representatives of the trade union organizations of Nigeria and its allies in civil society. 
The NLC leader  also expressed "the condemnation of the Nigerian workers to the brutal repression exercised by the Moroccan occupation against the Saharawi civilians" demanding that the Nigerian government to "redouble its efforts for the decolonization of the last colony in Africa and to enable the Saharawi people to its natural rights for freedom and independence. "
The Nigerian Labour Congress is the largest African trade union with more than five million members witt branches in all Nigerian provinces and it is an active member of the major regional and  international trade union organizations. (SPS)