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Africa shifted from continent of difficulties to that of hope and limitless opportunities, says diplomat

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Abuja, May 27, 2014 (SPS) - Saharawi Ambassador in Nigeria Mr. Ubbi Bachraya Bachir said Friday that Africa has shifted from a continent of challenges and many-sided difficulties during the past decades to that of hope and limitless opportunities in the recent years.

In a speech delivered on the occasion of Africa Day celebration in Abuja, the Saharawi ambassador underlined that Africa has shifted from a continent of challenges and multifaceted difficulties, of which poverty, limited investment opportunities, instability and slow democratic reforms, to that of hope and unlimited opportunities in the recent years.

He added that Africa is now committed, collectively, in the framework of the African Union, to move forward in the implementation of the programmed development plans so to play its natural role as a key political and economic actor in the world.

Mr. Ubbi Bachraya, Dean of the African Diplomatic Corps accredited to Nigeria, denounced, on behalf of the African ambassadors, the cowardly terrorist acts carried out by Boko Haram against the Nigerian people, expressing Africa peoples’ full solidarity with the people and government of Nigeria in their fight against terrorism.

The diplomat recalled to the major principles of Addis Ababa Declaration of May 2013 adopted by African leaders on the occasion of the OAU/AU 50th anniversary celebrations.

“Africa’s struggle to liberate its peoples from all forms of colonialism remains unfinished, until the Sahrawi people exercise their legitimate right to self-determination and independence,” said the Saharawi diplomat. (SPS)
