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Polisario Front for sending UN fact-finding mission to Western Sahara

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New York, June 16, 2014 (SPS) - The Frente Polisario has renewed its call on the UN Special Committee on Decolonization to send a fact-finding mission, like that of 1975, in order to update the data and developments that are taking place in Western Sahara.

“The Polisario Front reiterates the call it repeatedly made in recent years that the Committee should send a mission to the Territory of Western Sahara to update data and developments that have been taking place in Western Sahara since the last mission on May 1975,” said Mr. Boukhari Ahmed, Polisario Front’s Representative to the UN, in his speech before the UN Decolonization Committee.

According to the Saharawi diplomat, the report presented by the 1975 mission were the first comprehensive information that the UN General Assembly had received since the date of the inclusion of Western Sahara on the agenda of this committee in 1963.

Mr. Boukhari Ahmed went on saying that the best way to update and collect data about Western Sahara is to go directly to the ground.

He also recalled that the decolonization process in Western Sahara has been aborted in October 1975 as a result of the Moroccan invasion and then military occupation, which was classified as an “illegal occupation” by the UN in its resolutions 3437 and 3519. (SPS)
