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POLISARIO regrets for escalating repression in occupied Western Sahara

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Bir Lehlou (liberate zones), June 17, 2014 (SPS) - President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz has regretted for the escalation of repression by Moroccan occupying forces against Saharawi civilians, in a territory under the direct responsibility of the United Nations.

“It is regrettable to note that such repeated and escalating barbarism and brutality are carried out by Moroccan colonial power in a territory still under UN responsibility, which is yet to enjoy self-determination. It is also regrettable to note that the demands of the demonstrators are legitimate, just and in line with the UN principles, charter and resolutions,” writes President Mohamed Abdelaziz, in a letter addressed Monday to the UN Secretary General, following the crackdown by Moroccan forces of peaceful demonstrators in occupied El Aaiun, capital of Western Sahara.

Saharawi President renewed strong condemnation and denunciation to the Moroccan escalating repression against Saharawi civilians, calling on the UN to ensure that their legitimate rights, mainly their right to self-determination and independence, are met.

He, therefore, urged the UN to organize a free, just and impartial referendum, set up a UN independent and sustained mechanism to monitor human rights in Western Sahara, stop Moroccan looting of Saharawi natural resources and release Yahya Mohamed Al-Hafed and all Saharawi political prisoners.

The letter noted that the Moroccan occupying state thwarts UN efforts, especially those undertaken by the Personal Envoy Christopher Ross. (SPS)
