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Egyptian journalist delegation for bringing Saharawi issue to Arab people's attention

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Algiers, June 27, 2014 (SPS) - Egyptian journalist delegation stressed Wednesday in Algiers the need to adopt a special media plan to make known Saharawi cause at the Arab level, noting that the Egyptian people have not enough information about the conflict of Western Sahara.

Made up of about ten journalists, the Egyptian delegation which was received by President of the Algerian National Committee for Solidarity with the Saharawi People (CNASPS), Said Ayachi, underlined that Egyptian people's stance over the Saharawi struggle against Moroccan occupation is "neither negative nor positive, as they have no sufficient information on the matter."

Saharawi ambassador to Algeria, Brahim Ghali, said there is a lack of information about the real situation in Western Sahara and Saharawi people's ordeals due to the "media black-out Morocco has imposed on Arab public opinion."

Mr. Brahim Ghali expressed wish that the visit of the Egyptian journalists to the Saharawi refugee camps would convey the real image of Saharawi people's sufferings and contribute to raising awareness among Arab people. (SPS)
