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Polisario Front condemns Rabat’s apathy towards AU and UN resolutions (official)

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Bir Lehlou (liberated territories), July 2, 2014 (SPS) - Saharawi government and Polisario Front have condemned Morocco’s impassiveness vis-à-vis the resolutions of the African Union and United Nations, drawing international community that Rabat practices is similar to those of Apartheid regime in South Africa.

“Morocco, which has been since 1991 blocking the organization of the referendum on self-determination and the work of UN Secretary General’s personal envoy Mr. Christopher Ross, is now refusing to cooperate with the African Union and its special envoy President Joaquim Chissano,” said a statement issued Wednesday by the Saharawi ministry of foreign affairs, following Morocco’s refusal to cooperate with the AU special envoy Mr. Joaquim Chissano, designated in the 23rd summit.

By refusing to cooperate with Mr. Chissano, said the statement, the Moroccan regime pursues the steps of the Apartheid regime, which ignored international legitimacy and the resolutions of the United Nations and the Organization of African Unity.

Saharawi government stressed that the joint endeavours by the UN and OAU, now the AU, “were and will remain, as is the case in all disputes and conflicts in the continent, harmonious and integrative, where there is no rivalry nor contradiction between the two organizations that are linked by obligations of joint cooperation to resolve conflicts at the level of Africa.”

The statement, therefore, called on the UN and AU to shoulder “full responsibility” by imposing an end to the illegal Moroccan occupation of Western Sahara, gross violations of human rights, war crimes and the crimes against humanity committed by Morocco against the Saharawi people. (SPS)
