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Ksentini condemns Moroccan Foreign Minister's remarks

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Algiers, July 13, 2014 (SPS) - President of the Consultative National Commission for Promotion and Protection of Human Rights (CNCPPDH) lawyer Farouk Ksentini criticized Saturday, in Algiers, the comments made recently by Moroccan Foreign Minister about African Union's designation of special envoy to Western Sahara, and in which he cited Algeria.


"Those remarks are in line with Morocco's offensive policy whenever the Polisario Front makes an achievement or a step forward," Ksentini said.


Speaking at DK. News forum, lawyer Ksentini dubbed "street language" the remarks made by the Moroccan official, pointing out that such an attitude was in line with the policy adopted by the Kingdom of Morocco whenever "the Polisario Front makes a step forward," an attitude that may reach the extent of "blackmail, invective, abuse, or even insult to national flag."


Ksentini said he was convinced that Algeria's Foreign Minister, "who is known for his wisdom, will answer his Moroccan counterpart in a timely manner," stressing that the Algerians "have no problem with their Moroccan brothers. (SPS)

