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Polisario Front urges Security Council to ensure protection of Sahrawis in Moroccan prisons

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Shaheed Hafed (Refugee Camps), September 5, 2014 (SPS) - Polisario Front called on the United Nations’ Security Council to ensure the protection of Sahrawi detainees in Moroccan prisons, underlining their dramatic situation, in a communiqué issued at the end of the ninth session of the Polisario Front’s national secretariat.


The Polisario Front also denounced the intimidations they are facing and the expulsion of international observers.


The Polisario front also called for the release of “all prisoners, including those of Gdeim Izik, victims of military trial.”


Polisario Front’s communiqué underlined that “the international community must guarantee the respect of all fundamental rights of all Sahrawi citizens, lift the blockade imposed on the occupied Sahrawi territories and put an end to the illegal Moroccan occupation.” (SPS)

