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Morocco converted MINURSO to umbrella of colonial occupation (Bukhari Ahmed)

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New York, October 11, 2014 (SPS) - Polisario Front Representative to the United Nations Mr. Bukhari Ahmed confirmed that Morocco has over time converted the MINURSO mission to the umbrella of a colonial occupation, during his intervention before the UN General Assembly Fourth Committee.


"The MINURSO came to Western Sahara to maintain peace and to organize a referendum on self-determination that Morocco accepted and signed. The facts prove that Morocco has increasingly converted it gradually to the umbrella of a colonial occupation," said Bukhari Ahmed.


“The African Union and the United Nations Secretary-General had both set the basis for a settlement, but Morocco had been engaged in obstructionism,” he deplored.


The Polisario Front representative to the United Nations said Morocco’s occupation of Western Sahara represented “an affront to the international community” and must end immediately.


 The decolonization of Western Sahara could not be deemed a replacement of a European colonizer by an African one, he added.


The United Nations must take a clear stand on the matter, he underlined, adding that silence and patience amid injustice was an abdication of responsibility. (SPS)