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POLISARIO Representative received at Danish Institute for Human Rights

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Copenhagen, Oct 18, 2014 (SPS) - POLISARIO Representative in Denmark, Mr. Abba Malainin on Friday held talks with Ms. Elin Wrzoncki, Senior Advisor for human rights and business at Danish Institute for Human Rights.

The meeting tackled the critical situation of human rights in occupied Western Sahara, the last colony in Africa. The latest case of these systematic violations committed by the Moroccan Government against the Saharawis was the tragic death of the human rights activist and political prisoner, Hasena Elwali Aleya, as a result of flagrant medical negligence.

The Saharawi diplomat highlighted the urgent need that the UN Security Council empowers MINURSO to monitor and report on the ongoing human rights abuses in the Western Sahara.

The discussions also focused on the illegality of the exploitations of the natural resources of Western Sahara by Morocco, which is an illegal occupying power in the territory or by third party.

"The illegal exploitations of Western Sahara’s resources undermine the UN peace process, prolong the conflict and finance the occupation," said the diplomat.

It worth mentioning here that 4 Danish municipalities have recently stopped the purchase of salt from occupied Western Sahara.

The Danish Institute for Human Rights is an independent state-funded institution. Its mandate is to promote and protect human rights and equal treatment in Denmark and abroad. (SPS)
