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Italian Senate adopts two motions of support to Western Sahara

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Rome, Oct 23, 2014 (SPS) - Two motions of support for the Saharawi cause were adopted by the Upper House of the Italian Republic, according to the resolutions published in Rome by the institution.

Both motions commit the Italian government to “activating” internationally so as the mandate of MINURSO will be updated on the basis of the most recent similar models approved by the Security Council, including in particular the specific tasks in the area of human rights, say the resolutions of which APS obtained a copy Thursday.

Italy’s Upper House also urged the government to “take the initiative” of promoting the resumption of direct negotiations, under the auspices of the United Nations, between the Kingdom of Morocco and the Polisario Front to reach “as soon as possible”, a solution consistent with the UN resolutions, respecting the Saharawi people's right to self-determination.

Besides, the Italian senators urged the government to solicit the “immediate release” of the Saharawi political prisoners and the launch of an international investigation into the events of Gdeim Izik, so as to start a “new and serious trial, dedicated to fact checking.” (SPS)
