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Saharawi political prisoner Embarek Dawdi starts unlimited hunger strike

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Salé (Morocco) November 2, 2014 (SPS) - Saharawi political prisoner Embarek Dawdi started Saturday  an unlimited hunger strike at Salé 1 prison, in protest against the his mistreatment by prison officers and repeated harassment that he faces by public rightprisoners, according to a Sahrawi human rights source, citing his family.


EmbarekDaoudi’s hunger strike is also in protest of the delay of his trial for more than a year since his arbitrary arrest, demanding to be isolated from the public right prisoners and to enjoy his rights to visits and medication.


Saharawi political prisonerEmbarek Daoudi had submitted several complaints to the Moroccan occupation authorities, but legitimate demands were met with procrastination and ignorance. (SPS)

