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Sahrawi Youth delegation signs a cooperation agreement with Swedish Socialist Youth

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Stockholm (Sweden) January 18, 2015 (SPS) - A delegation representing Sahrawi Youth Union signed, on Friday in the Swedish capital Stockholm, a partnership agreement with the Swedish Socialist democratic Youth.


This agreement comes in the context of strengthening the channels of cooperation and exchanging experiences in different political and cultural aspects, and the creation of training opportunities for Sahrawi youth, in order to upgrade their knowledge and make it more professional, as well as sensitizing about the Western Sahara issue and make strong relationships with the Swedish civil society.


The delegation is composed of Hamdi Youcef, International Secretary, Kori Labidi, in charge of sport, Leila Salama, in charge of information, Tfarrah Dahi, in charge of diaspora as well as Takbar Ahmed Gaid and Ahmed Moulay. (SPS)


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